Zendesk CX Trends

New CX for a new world


Every year, Zendesk does research into the top trends in customer experience and creates a campaign around five of them. The findings are made into a report and shared in a global event series, both of which are localized in 14 languages. For the 2021 campaign we needed overarching art direction along with art direction for each trend, as well as a data visualization system to help call out compelling stats across everything.


We created hero imagery, plus a system for each trend made of colors, imagery and shapes. This system extended across the campaign and allowed us to show overall content and then elaborate on specific areas with corresponding elements. The data visualization system was made up of the same shapes, but filled with an amount corresponding to a given percentage. We call them "wedgies" and they're still being used in additional campaigns til this day.

Because the wedgies needed to accurately represent percentages, we produced every possible number so that folks could grab them without needing to edit. This was especially important given that the event series took place in 14 regions with stats specific to each. The creation of a system was critical to the success of this campaign so that every deliverable would look consistent but, more importantly, so that the numbers would be shown precisely and correctly.

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I created the art direction with my team. My most lasting contribution was the creation of the wedgie system which is still being used years later.
Art Direction: Marta Dymek + Eve Spears, Copywriting: Corey Gedrose